
1 min read

For many, August is a time for holidays and travel. Growing up in France, this month reminds me of a quiet time, when everything slows down and everyone is away. Many shops close and people take this chance to relax and travel before they come back in September. In Japan as well, it is one of the rare moments of the year that you can almost make sure to enjoy a few days off, as the Obon celebrations, celebrating the dead, are taking place in the middle of the month. It is believed that the dead come back to visit the family house for a few days, so, traditionally, people go to their family house and perform religious ceremonies to both welcome them at their arrival and greet them as they leave.  


After sharing stories of road trips in July, I thought August would be the perfect season to share with you some more fabrics and motifs gathered under the theme of travel, more specifically sea travel.

Here is the first fabric to be introduced:  


Embarking on the Tokaido Road